NICHOLAS AIR is proud to be partnered with AeroAngel. This amazing organization has made a truly positive impact and touched so many lives. If you’d like to donate to AeroAngel, please choose your preferred method below. Your Personal Travel Representative will reach out to you shortly to complete the donation process.

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AeroAngel is a pioneering aviation charity dedicated to providing free transportation services, predominantly to children, who urgently require distant, life-saving medical care. Founded by Mark Pestal, a Denver-based attorney and commercial pilot driven by a profound passion for aviation and compassion for those in need, AeroAngel stands as a beacon of hope for medically fragile children and their families. Unlike any other organization in the country, AeroAngel orchestrates dedicated flights to children’s hospitals for youngsters whose conditions render them unable to safely travel via commercial airlines or conventional means but do not necessitate air ambulance services. These flights, facilitated by volunteer professional pilots utilizing high-performance business jets, incur no cost for the families they assist, making critical medical care accessible regardless of financial circumstances.

Headquartered in Denver, Colorado, AeroAngel operates on a foundation of generosity and community spirit, relying on the goodwill of aircraft owners who donate the use of their pressurized turbine aircraft. This unique model, combined with the commitment of volunteers and the efficiency of its operations, enables AeroAngel to extend its reach across all 50 states, bridging vast distances to ensure children in need receive timely and essential medical attention. With an unwavering dedication to its mission, AeroAngel has significantly impacted over 350 children, facilitating over $2.5 million in in-kind services to date and standing as a testament to the power of compassion and aviation expertise united in the service of humanity.