Challenger 350 Interior

Worth Magazine & The Benefits of the NICHOLAS AIR Business Model

A recent article published at discusses some of the decisions private aviation companies have faced in the last few years. There’s no denying that we’ve seen a significant shift for some companies in how they approach their business.

An expanding number of high-net-worth families have had both positive and negative results for the private aviation industry as a whole, but we here at NICHOLAS AIR have carefully navigated and continue the privilege of providing a premium product without sacrificing our tried-and-true business model of putting our Members first.

“…at NICHOLAS AIR, we are very smart about deploying our resources and very tactical about how we approach the market. There is no private equity here. There is no bailout. Never a furlough. Never a pay reduction during a pandemic. Never an office shut down. Since there is no fund manager to ask approval for something, we get to run our business based on analytics and the ‘art of running a business.’”

Peder von Harten

Read the full article at